Article: Three new species of the family Oppiidae Grandjean, 1951 are described in this paper, as result of study of the faunistic material collected from some Romanian caves: Lasiobelba (Lasiobelba) pontica n. sp., Lauroppia incognita n. sp. and Moritzoppia guanicola n. sp. The genus Lasiobelba is recorded for the first time in Romanian fauna, as well as Ramusella (Rectoppia) fasciata sahariensis (Hammer, 1975), for which some complementary characters are given
Download Read OnlineArticle: The authors identified 132 species of invertebrates (14 Oniscidea, 25 Diplopoda, 31 Collembola and 62 Coleoptera) recently sampled (2001–2006) from the soil and subterranean (MSS and caves) environments from the Banat Mountains. Some new, rare and endemic species are discussed. The seasonal changes of the species diversity in the superficial subterranean environments at 0.5 to 1 m in depth are for the first time presented for the Reşiţa – Moldova Nouă synclinorium. The characteristic and preferential species for the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS), belonging to the analyzed taxa, are identified
Download Read OnlineArticle: Précédé par six études entreprises sur les populations de Pholeuon propres aux principales zones géographiques des Monts Apuseni, le présent travail a pour objet une analyse globale de tous les taxons attribués actuellement à ce genre. Les données biométriques relatives à 9745 individus sont traitées successivement par analyse numérique, analyse des groupements par classification hiérarchique et analyse en composantes principales, en considérant d’abord la région des Monts Pădurea Craiului, ensuite celle des Monts du Bihor et finalement celle des Monts Apuseni.
Download Read OnlineArticle: The functioning of the new chemoautotrophic biome Ophel (POR, 2007) is discussed based on its type locality, the Ayyalon groundwater pool, which is compared to the Movile cave and the Frasassi caves. The specific role of the thermosbaenaceans as first consumers in chemoautotrophic systems is emphasized. New views are presented concerning the zoogeography of the ophelic biome and a new theory is advanced about the origin of the ophelic fauna, which differs from the Tethyan stranding theory
Download Read OnlineArticol: Le travail trait de l’analyse des valeurs obtenues par enregistrement continu de la température de l’air, effectué sur la durée d’un cycle annuel et en utilisant cinq dispositifs électroniques de type data logger. Tel qu’on pourrait le supposer en considérant uniquement la morphologie de la grotte, les données montrent que la grande galerie qui compose le niveau inférieur de celle-ci est soumise aux effets d’une ventilation bidirectionnelle permanente, tandis que la galerie supérieure se caractérise par une prégnante stabilité
Download Read OnlineArticle: Malacostraca, as a Class, represents the largest taxonomic group within the Subphylum Crustacea. This essay is a contribution to the perennial debate of the way to classify the more than 40,000 malacostracan species. The various opinions on the way generations of carcinologists systematised Malacostraca in Orders and Superorders is synthetically reviewed
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